Jupiter Brightens
The planet lies in Taurus the Bull, and is about 30 times more brilliant than the brightest star in that constellation, Aldebaran the Bull’s eye. Look for Jupiter in the east at sunset, you cannot miss it. Jupiter is a great target for beginners. You’ll be able to spot its dark equatorial cloud belts and lighter zones with a small telescope and even be able to see its four major moons with binoculars if you steady them. I remember like it was yesterday, almost 15 years ago. Jupiter was in the same location in the sky with Saturn closeby and the Northern Lights dancing around the pair. What a beautiful sight!
Comet ISON
If we are lucky in the fall of 2013 we may see this comet become bright enough to be seen in daylight. Discovered on September 21, 2012, comet ISON has an orbit similiar to the Great Comet of 1680 which could be seen in daylight. It might burst into brilliance as it rounds our Sun, or become a dud. I love comets, so let us wait and see.
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